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Build it and they shall come....

Hebrews 13:3 Prison Ministry is a California Non-profit Corporation 501 (c) 3 Tax E

For the past 5.5 years I have been Faithfully serving the "correctional" community, serving as Leader of the Prison Ministry at a local church, day in and day out inside the prisons, jails and juvenile detention facilities.
In the fall of 2019, God promoted me and He is taking me yet to another level. 
My journey started in 2006 when I became a pen pal for my loved one who is incarcerate and serving a 46 year sentence in a Illinois Prison. I had no idea then where and why I had been chosen for this journey.  This Journey gave birth in 2006 with pen pal letters & phone calls. I received some pretty awesome handmade gifts to include drawings, 2 small pillows made from a bed sheets with beautiful color drawings, these were my early years in training. From 2014-2016 I volunteered as an administrative assistant for a prison ministry and this took me to the next level, as I continued to grow and learn and had the opportunity to attend 2 events at a local prison and women's jail I came closer and closer to "them".  In 2016 I was invited to lead this prison ministry and this would entail more work and visiting the local facilities. I prayed for 4 days and clearly 3 different times I heard "When the Lord calls you must go, He will provide the resources" so here we go onto the next level.   In October 2019, it was time to enter into even a greater level and start the Hebrews 13:3 Prison Ministry, New Season, Next Level. 


As we build our new ministry and continue to grow the Kingdom of God, we are excited about the opportunities that the future has in store for us, and the many doors that the Lord will open. 
We are a group of individuals that are called to serve those inside, we love the incarcerated, we are passionate about this community that society many times rejects and has forgotten. We want to use the gifts that we are blessed with to encourage our brethren as we visit them and share the WORD OF GOD during our visits, our correspondence bible studies or a package of books to encourage them and let them know, they are not forgotten.  

From the beginning I began to transform. My love, and compassion increased, 

I thank God for the plans that HE had for me to serve with passion the men

and women inside. 


Isabel Montaño  

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